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Hi there! My name is Kit. I am a professional designer, illustrator, and author who shares her creations with a vast online community by being a Vtuber and content creator. Currently my creative endeavors have allowed me to graduate with not one but two degrees along with notable accolades. The first is an Associates degree in Fashion design from Los Angeles very own Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising. I then went on to work for the Walt Disney Company in their Internship Program before being hired full time within their entertainment division.
As an individual who emphasizes business ideology I found after some soul searching that while I loved my job there was no vertical movement within the company. As I have learned and was taught by actor and director Richard Speight Jr., “Work in industries where you are around successful people. You can work as a PA or get coffee but can you see where you could be?” This has been an incredibly important ideology that has shaped my decisions innately over the years.
This led me to pursue a Bachelors of Science degree with an emphasis within the game development industry. I attended the University of Utah’s Entertainment Arts and Engineering program where I graduated top of my class with honors such as becoming a part of Tau Beta Pi as well as being inducted into the National Honors Society for Leadership and Success. Currently I work with clients for their graphic or design needs. On the side I happily enjoy my little side hustle within the content creation world. I am in the process of writing my first book within the Souly Damned series as well as being a streamer, Youtuber, and small business owner.
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